Mixed-media paper crafter; stamper, freelance craft tutor, designer of PaperArtsy JOFY stamps

9 October 2017

#365Challenge.... June!

JUNE's #365Challenge book is the same size as May's but the pages are landscape.  I completed most of this book as 'catch-up' while in hospital in early August connected up for drug infusion (2nd/final part of my MS treatment) ... I thought if I can create a mini book sitting in the front seat of the car then I can create mini journal pages sitting in a chair at the hospital!.. I had slightly more space at the hospital: a side table and my lunch tray came in very useful...

I think the key to working in small space is to choose your equipment wisely - think small and necessary...  I knew I would want to cut shapes but wasn't going to have a lot of space (in my suitcase or on my 'worktable') so instead of punches I packed geometry stencils - lots of different sizes than can be drawn round and cut out. Flat and lightweight - whats not to love about those!! Old school is best sometimes.
I really enjoyed working on this size - it creates a cute dinky little book!  But if anyone tells you that working on a small substrate, on small pages, is easy - they're fibbing! lol It comes with its own set of 'difficulties' or 'challenges'..

The other main difference with this month's book and previous months' is that I'm now printing out the questions and adding them to the page (on the front or back) - why I didn't think of this before I do not know! (makes life a lot easier!!)

I'd like to speak all languages. If I had to choose a 'super hero skill' - forget flying or being invisible - I'd want the ability to speak any language! How fantastic would that be - to be able to communicate with everyone!

A little bit of doodling does you good! Here I was using up scraps and doodling to create hillside (or maybe a little foliage planet!)

I created the pages while in hospital and added extras when I was back at home - such as all the sewing and photographs.
I really enjoy creating pages that are made up of 'bits and pieces' while still keeping a 'less is more' feel to the page - however small the page!

Six months done and dusted....


1 comment

  1. what a fabulous use of your time, when otherwise you'd just be sitting! the pages look fabulous. I bet the hospital staff were intrigued, too!


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